Plan A Visit

Service times, directions, and what to expect on your first visit to 109 Church of Christ

Getting to know each other

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at 109 Church of Christ a great one!

Weekly schedule


7:30AM - Bible Class (Adult Class)

8:30AM - Early Worship Service

10:00AM - Bible Class (All Ages)

11:00AM - Late Worship Service

5:00PM - Evening Worship Service


11:00AM - Bible Class (Adult Class)

5:30PM - Midweek Meal

6:30PM - Bible Class (All Ages)


7:00 - Bible Class (Adult Class)


What can I expect?

How long is a service at 109?

In total, a worship service at 109 is about an hour in length. During this time, you can expect prayer, congregational singing, a lesson from scripture, communion, and time for offering.

What is the singing like?

Singing is a very important part of our worship services. All of our singing is acapella(just voices). We sing as a congregation so feel free to sing if you would like. Don't know the words? No problem. We will have the lyrics available on screen.

Am I expected to give during the offering time?

Not at all! As a guest, we definitely don't want you to feel pressured to give. You are welcome to contribute if you feel compelled, but there is no obligation. As our guest, we are just happy to have you with us!

What about my kids?

We value all ages here at 109. Children are not only welcomed in our services, they are encouraged! We love seeing children learning about God and participating in worship.